Unreal Engine - VR Project Slim [v2023-05-12] [Meakrob]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    not a real game just a weird tech demo that runs like crap
    not sure what the developer is thinking? maybe its just a big cash grab and i dunno why anybody would rate this above 1 star

    not even worth the small download but maybe the developer will do somethign in the future

    edit: looks like the developer is a crazy person so no hopes for a future project that isn't also crap
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I think meakrob could make the best porn games ever, the girl and facial animations are super good. Then why the low rating? Because he released a tech demo again, that he could have released around 1-2 years ago based on old screenshots. He goes and comes as he likes, abandoning his projects all the time. I dont know what is going on in his personal life, i hope him the best, but i dont recommend supporting him with any money if you expect a fully released game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    Almost too bare-boned to even justify a release imo, but wow what a great model and expressions. Reminds me of SMA in that it has the potential to be one of the best sim-games on here, but will likely never get there as the creator gets buried under the million little things necessary to make that happen. Game dev is hard, and I wish them well on their journey.

    Stuff I'd like changed: Ugliest UI on the planet, wonky controls (why do the tilt controls sometimes tilt the UI?), the creepy red model of the player's lower torso that I couldn't figure out how to make invisible, and character creator options that all seemed pointless besides changing the hairstyle or hair color. Like face/body presets would be cool.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Initial release very promising. Some collision clipping issues but to be expected. What is setting this apart is the facial expressions, variation of speed during animations, and attention to detail of the model. I cant wait to see new updates.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This first tech demo is super buggy but promising!

    As the dev said in the notes, there's a lot of clipping issues (I don't think I found any piece of clothing that didn't go through the model at some point) but....

    The character model is incredible!! (and she doesn't need any clothing on anyways ;) )

    I think it's one of the first time I actually see a 3d model that doesn't look like a possessed store mannequin.

    Amazing facial expressions and physics, I can't wait to see what this looks like in a couple of updates when the bugs are ironed out.

    I tried this on an i7 8700k and a gtx 1080 gpu and it ran smoothly (exept for 1 random crash), looking forward to the VR experience.
    Likes: mdp2p