Unity - Completed - Trailing Girl [FINAL] [artant]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Not recommended for people with motion sickness. You will be thrown into the game without explanation in which a timer runs out. Because of the heavy camera work in the beginning you will feel sick quite fast. Therefore I have uninstalled it directly again.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game was obviously made by someone who knows nothing about VR, it made me physically sick to play for less than 2 minutes and that's coming from someone who can play 6 hours of VR chat without a problem.

    Flying cameras in VR are bad. Flying cameras that are totally uncontrollable and center the view on where you're looking rather than the room or where they were looking when the scene started is how you make a vomit comet.

    On top of that the controls just flat out do not work and cannot be remapped.

    The game seems based on the HTC Vive, I am using a Valve Index which has built in software to remap vive controls to their equivalent, software that this game isn't using for whatever reason. (HTC and Valve were partnered when developing VR, Vive and index parts are interchangeable and mismatched systems will work fine).