Unity - Samantha [v2.02] [Walter's Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    9/21/24- Frankly, not very good in this current state. Way too big of a download for a pretty bad looking game. Overuses bloom like crazy, and the models look uncanny. The controls feel horrible to play with, and the game feels very very unpotimized. Better alternatives for the Exhibitionist 3D game are out there, like Seleka and a few other upcoming projects (Seleka 2, Roxanne, etc.)

    Unless the dev can get the file size under control and work out these issues, I am not likely to come back to this game like I do with Seleka.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Barely works is a general 2 word review. To explain, the camera controls are awful as when you try too click on any screen menu, it still moves the camera disorienting you, while also not being locked in the winow so whenever you try to look around, there's a chance you will click off screen. There are more complaints, but overall just unplayable.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has potential for the niche of exhibitionism games. Currently, it is in early access with optimization errors and bugs that force you to restart to play. The limited content is a small sample of what it could bring in the future and is very similar to the Roxanne game (almost the same concept). I hope this game does not end up abandoned by the author and that the content does not get sidelined in favor of fixing the optimization issues, among other topics.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I think the game has huge potential.

    Despite the fact that the camera rotation, light, environment are bad now, the animation is very lame in places, I hope they will change the girl's skeleton itself, make good outlines of the labia, etc. And also make a lot of customizations.

    You don't often see Russian/Belarusian developers.

    The names of the NPCs are a separate laugh in Russian)) I laughed a lot)

    I'm waiting for this game on Steam)