Ren'Py - My Femboy Roommate [Demo] [Nuteku]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to be kind to this game due to the crippling lack of trap games but unfortunately there is no game here to speak of the entire thing was a dream of a bj a couple cosplays and a bikini, so I'd recommend master bating to the promotional material at the bottom because that's all the game is, and the rest is just steam Wishlist begging.
    Likes: lo0u
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the femboy visual novel I've been waiting for. The soft artwork works in tandem with the cozy apartment setting to create a comfy experience. Add that to the cute and fluffy femboy (with voice acting!) for a wonderful demo.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's very good, I really like this art, but there's not much content on this game.
    There's not much freatures too, like gift, or enter in the room of the femboy.
    It's good and quick, worth your time.

    10/10 art
    5/10 gameplay
    10/10 femboy voice
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    review of the demo:
    art: 5/5
    story: good enough for a demo and has potential
    UI: very good
    gameplay: enjoyable but could use some minigames

    there's also voice acting for the roommate , give it a try , definitely worth your while.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    If I had to describe this game in one sentence I would say that “this title offers a pleasant experience to the player due to the care that has been taken with the details”.

    Let's start with the art, which at first glance is what draws the most attention. In general it is wonderful, I can't find any kind of fault with it. It more than fulfills its function and does not disappoint at any time.

    The sex scenes, although few in the Demo version, are of great quality and very hot. The dev makes it clear with his work that what will come in the full version will be even better, which has personally created a feeling of hype in me.

    The UI is simple and makes the gameplay easier for the player, further improving the player experience and eliminating any factor of frustration. It is also appreciated to have a mission log since this game is a sandbox.

    With all the above said, it is clear that we have before us a high-quality product and, as a plus, we will have it on Steam. For me, recommending this game is something that comes naturally. These types of developers deserve all the support they can get for the great work they've done.

    A gem of a game that you can't miss!
    Likes: dz015
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Well done, keep up the good work. I liked the game, graphics is good, plot is immersive, UI is NOT confusing and irritating.
    So, I encourage others to give it a try.

    P.S. I hate the requirement to write 200 characters to post a review, it fucking nuts
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, very promising. The artwork is very well done. The characters are fun and the setting, although entirely in the apartment, is entertaining enough. I don't really like the seemingly intentional grind in place for the demo but it's just a demo and I'm sure there will be more events involved to build the relationship between the MC and Robin once in the official release.

    As it stands, this was good enough for me to put in my wishlist on Steam and I look forward to the full release in October. I'll be happy to update this review once I get to go through the real thing. As always, I wish the developer all of the best and hope they've found the support they deserve. Whether you enjoyed this experience or not, do the dev a favor and leave a review. Let them know what worked for you and what didn't. And remember this was uploaded for us to enjoy for free by the developer, so give them your support by wishlisting the game on steam or kick them some monetary support if you can.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    About 15 minutes of gameplay, good for a Demo, didnt run into any bugs.
    -Consistent for AI
    -not bad writing
    -AI images always look a bit weird
    -Some Grind
    -only a demo

    Looking forward to the full release, always need more finished Femboy Games
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    review for the demo version.

    nice to have more bussy games.
    Robin a cutie patootie.
    ai art is kinda nice, for the most part.
    dialogue a bit mid, but does it's job well enough.
    voice acting bit shit tho.
    can't wait for full version, good luck.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    As for the initial demo, I'd describe it as decent, though there's definitely room for improvement.

    One of the project's strong points is the choice of a femboy as the primary and only love interest. This theme was actually the main reason I decided to give the game a try.

    Unfortunately, there are several aspects I consider to be drawbacks. The most significant issue, in my opinion, is the quality of the dialogue and the depth of the story. The protagonist we play comes on too strong in his efforts to form a close relationship with his new, introverted, and shy roommate. I understand that this is a demo for a porn game, not a multi-volume romance novel by a Nobel Prize-winning author. But personally, I would appreciate if at least half of the interactions with Robin didn't feel like we were trying to kill him with unnatural kindness and care.

    Another downside, for me, is the decision to make the game a sandbox. Even more concerning—and a harbinger of frustration—is how the progression of the main story relies on accumulating different types of points by repeatedly performing the same actions. This mechanic feels like an artificial and unnecessary way to extend the playtime, and frankly, I don’t have the patience to endlessly click through it. In my view, the game would greatly benefit from shifting away from the sandbox format and adopting the structure of a visual novel instead.

    Regarding the visuals, I don’t have any major issues with the use of AI-generated art. However, the noticeable difference between Robin’s design and the background locations is glaring, though I assume this is due to the demo stage and will be refined later on. What did bother me were Robin's eyelashes. They feel exaggerated to the point that in some scenes, Robin looks more like a flat-out girl rather than a distinguishable femboy. Perhaps this was intentional, but for me, a femboy is not synonymous with a "trap."

    An interesting, if minor, observation: before starting a new game, the prompt asking whether you are 18 or older lacks the option to select that you're under 18. While I understand the practical irrelevance of this question in most cases, I found it surprising, as it's the first time I’ve encountered such an omission.

    Overall, I hope the developer takes some of my preferences into account, as I'd really like to experience more of Robin in both a romantic and physical sense. I’m crossing my fingers for improvements and the ultimate success of this project.